Adopted by President’s Cabinet 1/4/18; Updated 8/16/22


The 校董会 considers the naming of a place or academic 单位 in honor of a living or deceased individual, corporation, foundation or organization to be one of the highest and most distinct honors that it can bestow.

对于杰出的服务和慈善事业,可以授权命名 给予,还是两者兼得. 总统 of 十大彩票平台 should ensure that the proposed naming is consistent with the interest of the 机构 and the USG 并与个人的服务或慈善捐赠水平相称, persons, group, or groups for which the naming will be made. 未经授权的名称 associated fund raising should be the exception.

Naming of colleges and schools at 十大彩票平台 and all real estate, 设施,以及美国政府拥有或租赁的财产,包括 捐赠,或由十大彩票平台附属机构获得,要求 事先获得校长、美国政府首席行政官和校长的授权 校董会. All proposed namings shall be submitted to the USG Chief Administrative 负责分发提案以供综合审查的官员 with the Chancellor, submit the request to the 校董会 for approval.

Namings authorized by the 校董会 shall not be modified without approval 董事会成员. If a situation occurs that may warrant the removal of a name that was 由校董会事先批准,决定是否取消校名 lies in the sole discretion 董事会成员 in consultation with the Chancellor.

十大彩票平台的校长有权任命和罢免 高等院校所属的室内空间和学术单位名称等 as departments, without prior approval 董事会成员. EGSC应保持一份报告 十大彩票游戏平台内部命名和命名删除.

EGSC的设施和功能的命名将仅在其使用寿命内有效 of the 设施或特征 and not in perpetuity. 如果一个设施或特征实质上是 changed, a named 设施或特征 may no longer exist and 总统, in his 或她的自由裁量权,可寻求校董会的批准,将名称转移到一个新的 设施或特征.

校董会将授权外部命名(地点、学院和学校) 只有当一个活着的人与工作脱离关系时,才授予他荣誉 by the USG or from local, state, or federal government employment for at least two years prior to seeking 校董会’ approval.

不需要董事会批准的额外命名机会,例如 作为奖学金和捐赠基金,由负责机构发展的副总裁管理 也不在本保单的承保范围内.


十大彩票平台的命名审查委员会(以下简称 “委员会”)由校长、主管商务事务的副校长、教务长组成 负责学术和学生事务的副校长,负责机构事务的副校长 Advancement and Grants and the Director of Plant Operations. 委员会的宗旨 是为了评价获奖者的地点或学术单位、街道和室内的命名 spaces and name removal, using the guidelines set forth below. 委员会的评价 将包括考虑目前的服务和/或财政贡献和 future financial commitment of the honoree, as appropriate. 对于所有提议的命名 需要校董会批准的,委员会将提交建议的命名 向美国地质调查局首席行政官提出建议,他将分发给综合人员 审查并与校长一起向校董会提交申请 采取行动. The Committee shall annually review all named places, academic 单位s, 确保街道和室内空间的名称与利益保持一致 of East Georgia State 学院和大学系统 of Georgia.


对于杰出的服务和慈善事业,可以授权命名 giving, or both according to the below standards. 卓越的服务和慈善 giving are flexible standards and will require consideration of the facts relevant 对被授予荣誉的人和东乔治亚制定的标准的实施 州立学院和委员会. 总统 of 十大彩票平台 and the Committee will strive to ensure that the value of the service warrants the action 该命名符合东乔治亚州的利益 学院和大学系统. 

服务: 场所、学术单位和室内空间可以以在世的或者已去世的人的名字命名 who have provided outstanding service to 十大彩票平台, to the state, to the nation, or to society in general, and who served with distinction. 命名时 is to honor a living person for outstanding and distinguished service as a public servant, that person must have been dissociated from employment by the University System, local, state or federal government employment for at least two years prior 寻求董事会批准. In the event that the individual being honored is no longer living, the two (2) year wait period may be waived. 

慈善捐赠: 场所、学术单位和室内空间也可以以个人、企业、 向十大彩票平台捐款的基金会或组织 or its Foundation; examples include: 

      • 十大彩票平台 building or complex* $500,000 
      • 十大彩票平台 campus street $250,000 
      • 十大彩票平台体育馆15万美元 
      • 十大彩票平台 athletic field $ 75,000 
      • 室内空间25,000美元及以上 

 *A “complex” is defined as an interconnected group of buildings with indoor and/or 室外设施及其他相关辅助构筑物,构成一个连体 单位. This definition is intended define a facility that encompasses one or more of the following uses: athletic, academic and/ or recreational. 

The Vice President for 机构发展 and Grants maintains the minimum 如上所述的礼物等级. 

在可能的情况下,应最大限度地利用筹资机会,以获得冠名 本保单承保范围. 

为了使一个地方或学术单位以捐献为基础而命名,捐赠 将遵守以下指引: 

      1. 赠与必须以不可撤销的形式在五年内支付 签署的承诺. 
      2. Namings should be associated with endowment gifts that include at least a portion of the gift for endowment to support the facility or academic programs associated 有了设备. 
      3. Deferred gifts should generally not be used for current naming opport单位ies; discussions 能否与感兴趣的捐赠者确认可能的冠名机会 当收到礼物时有效. 
      4. 如果在一段时间内承诺捐赠,总统应该正式命名 request to the Board when at least half of the total gift has been received by the 机构. 

在考虑获奖者的金钱贡献时,无论是个人、公司、 or foundation, the Committee will evaluate cumulative contributions. 一个人 是否可以以累积捐款和杰出捐款的组合来冠名 service to 十大彩票平台, as defined above. 在总统之前 recommendation of naming to the 校董会, a monetary gift or pledge equal 到上述各自限额的百分之七十五,必须由 总统. 


命名批准后,十大彩票平台将举行表彰 ceremony to publicly acknowledge the naming and the donor. 十大彩票平台 会否尽快通知校长及校董会举行典礼的日期 是为了鼓励大学的代表出席 佐治亚系统. 


All signage for streets and buildings named herein will be of a character that is attractive, complimentary and harmonious with the existing architectural style of 校园建筑和景观场地. 标识应与东方一致 佐治亚州立学院的总体规划,特别是校园景观规划 常见的户外空间使用如硬景观和标牌,以达到凝聚力和 可持续发展的校园. These standards shall ensure that the campus grounds convey an attractive and inviting college/university character. 


根据董事会政策,牌匾为青铜铸造金属或其他适当的牌匾 材料将安装在所有主要建筑项目中,包括新建筑物, additions, and renovations, noting the year completed, the Governor and members of 完成时的董事会和自项目结束以来的其他董事 first approved, the architect and the contractor. 如果总统认为适当, 主要贡献者可以通过列入斑块或单独的斑块来识别. 


从十大彩票平台的设施、街道或室内移除一个名字 由于受奖人未能履行承诺的财务,空间可能变得必要 承诺,未能保持高标准的十大彩票平台或 the 佐治亚大学系统 or for other appropriate reasons. 一旦委员会 是否意识到可能需要取消委员会将召开会议的名称的情况 并考虑所有相关信息. 如果委员会认为有必要 to remove the honoree's name from a place, academic 单位 or street, the Committee will seek Board approval for the name removal through submission of the request to 首席行政官. Removal of names from interior spaces is at the discretion of the president and the removal will be reported to the Vice President for 机构发展 and Grants at the end of the calendar year. 总统 will provide written notification of the name removal decision to the honoree.