

The 佐治亚大学系统 has established employee categories (types of employees and types of employment) to identify persons who are employed by the University System 格鲁吉亚院校. 雇员的类型和雇佣的类型都是习惯的 determine benefits eligibility and applicability of Board of Regents policy, as well 根据员工和雇佣类型确保报告的准确性.



  • 福利的资格: There are three definitions pertaining to benefits 符合条件的 as described below:
    1. 全额福利 这被定义为每周30小时或更多 .75 FTE及以上,适用 给正式教员和正式员工. 全额福利包括所有福利 根据乔治亚大学制度的校董会政策.2.9保险. 
    2. 部分福利 这被定义为每周20到29个小时 .5 . FTE至 .74年FTE. 部分的好处 符合条件的可申请正式教员和正式职员. 部分的好处 包括退休和按比例计休假.
    3. Non-Benefits资格: 这被定义为每周不超过19小时(.49个FTE或以下),这适用于常规 教职员工. 不符合福利条件的还包括临时教员, staff, and student employees who may 不 work more 比 1,300 hours in a 12 month 在本政策后面定义的期间. 学生可能不会被安排到普通学校 状态.
  • 校董会: 十大彩票平台的管理机构


  • 教师: The faculty shall consist of the corps of instruction and the administrative officers as defined in Section 3 of the Policy Manual of the Board of Regents of the University 佐治亚系统.
  • 工作人员: Staff employees shall consist of two major employee groups 1) staff professional 行政人员和2)非豁免人员的定义如下:
    1. 专业人员和行政人员 are exempt from the Federal Wage Hour provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA),因为他们的专业或行政责任. (这组 does 不 include faculty or graduate assistants); and
    2. 非豁免雇员 are 不 exempt from the federal wage-hour provisions of the Fair Labor Standards 法》(《十大彩票平台》的规定). (注:佐治亚大学系统的职位分类系统 includes the appropriate FLSA 状态 in the “Master List with 定义 and Guidelines”.)
    3. 机密的员工 shall consist of the Staff Professional and Administrative, and Staff Non-exempt employees 如上所定义.
  • 学生员工: Student 员工 are considered temporary and include graduate assistants and student 工人. (见 EGSC学生就业手册)


  • 在职状况: 固定就业是 考虑连续 and may also be defined by agreement, contract, term, or restricted funding source(s). Regular employment may be benefits 符合条件的, partial benefits 符合条件的, non-benefits 合格,全职或兼职,豁免或非豁免. 定期获豁免受雇者必须 meet the “salary basis” requirement under the federal Fair Labor Standards 法》(《十大彩票平台》的规定).
    • 工资的基础上: Being paid on a “salary basis” means an employee regularly receives a predetermined amount of compensation each pay period on a weekly or less frequent basis and the predetermined amount can不 be reduced because of variations in the quality or quantity 雇员的工作,但在FLSA下有例外.
  • 临时就业状况: Temporary employment is short in duration to address business needs and must meet 要求和特点如下:
    1. 临时工没有福利资格.
    2. 临时工没有长期就业的期望. 
    3. 临时工可以是全职的也可以是兼职的.
      • 临时雇员可以 连续12个月累计工作时间超过1300小时. 1300年 小时数可以在12个月内任意组合累积. 曾经是暂时的 employee has worked 1,300 hours or has been employed for 12 consecutive months, whichever comes first, the temporary employee must have a break in service of 26 consecutive 周. 就业适用于所有USG机构.
      • If a temporary employee is needed beyond the 1,300 hours, they must be moved to a 正式员工身份.
      • A temporary who is dually or jointly employed in more 比 one position must have all hours worked counted towards the 1,300 hour worked limit from the date of hire 这包括临时工作人员安排.
    4. A temporary may be separated at any time for any reason without 不ice and either 雇主或雇员可以终止雇佣关系. 这样的分离 是否可以申诉或上诉.
    5. A temporary is typically considered non-exempt under the federal Fair Labor Standards Act’s overtime provisions and paid for all hours worked on an hour-for-hour basis. For hours worked over 40 in a workweek, a non-exempt temporary employee will be entitled to compensatory time or overtime pay for hours worked over 40 in a workweek at a rate 不低于劳工组织规定的正常工资标准的一半 公平劳动标准加班补偿时间政策. In some instances, temporary employees, such as graduate assistants, post docs or 有资格的专业人员可以豁免.

注意: If a temporary employee exceeds an average 30 or more hours per week during the ACA measurement period and meets the definition of healthcare eligibility under ACA, if they continue employment in a regular position, they will become 符合条件的 to enroll 在ACA行政期间的医疗福利.


  • 教师: Consists of the corps of instruction and the administrative officers as defined in Section 3 of the Policy Manual of the Board of Regents of the University System of 乔治亚州.
    1. 教师的类型如下:
      • 普通教师 are employed on a continuous basis and whose duration of employment may also be defined 通过协议、合同、期限和/或限制的资金来源. 普通教师 可以是全职还是兼职. 那些有一半工作时间或 greater are partial or full benefits 符合条件的 and those who work less 比 20 hours 每周都没有福利资格. 正规教师谁不是通过竞争聘用 search will typically be given a “term” appointment for one academic or fiscal year, and may be reappointed for one (1) additional year, 不 to exceed a total duration 2年. 有全职教师(1).(全职教师)可获终身聘用; 根据第8条的规定,担任终身教职或非终身教职.3.7和 8.3.8 of the Policy Manual of Board of Regents of the 佐治亚大学系统.
      • 临时教师 是否以书面形式短期受聘. 他们没有工作 一个学年的合同. 如果他们被雇用超过一个连续的学术 semester for 30 hours or more, except when the Academic semester is combined with Summer semester immediately preceding or following the Academic Semester, they shall 被聘为正式教员. 临时教员没有福利资格.
    2. 平价医疗法案(ACA)的要求: Under the ACA, a reasonable method of crediting hours for Part-time Regular and Temporary 教师可以用来确定医疗保健资格. 大学制度 乔治亚州 has determined that a reasonable method for converting credit hours or contact 工作时间与标准工作时间的区别如下.25个准备/评分小时+ .5办公/会议 每间教室/每周接触时间. 研究生助理和研究生研究 助理将记录工作时间. 下面是将使用的转换图表 for crediting hours on a weekly basis for Part-time Regular and 临时教师 以确定ACA的医疗保健资格:

      每周联系时间 教室里/小时联系 准备/分级小时 办公室会议/小时 标准工作时间 FTE /努力
      1联系小时 1 1.25 .5 2.75 .07
      2联系时间 2 2.5 1 5.5 .14
      3学时(1门课程) 3 3.75 1.5 8.25 .21
      4联系时间 4 5 2 11 .28
      5联系时间 5 6.25 2.5 13.75 .34
      6学时(2门课程) 6 7.5 3 16.5 .41
      7联系时间 7 8.75 3.5 19.25 .48
      8联系时间 8 10 4 22 .55
      9学时(3门课程) 9 11.25 4.5 24.75 .62
      10联系时间 10 12.5 5 27.5 .69
      11联系时间 11 13.75 5.5 30.25 .76
      12学时(4门课程) 12 15 6 33 .83
      *定期兼职教师有资格在 .5 .全职工作及 以上
      **正规教师有资格享受全额福利 .75英镑及以上(包括健康及福利) 自愿福利及退休及休假)
  • 员工的员工:
    1. 员工的类型说明如下:
      • 普通员工 are employed on a continuous basis and whose duration of employment may also be defined 按期限和/或限制资金来源划分. 正式员工可以是全职员工 或兼职. 那些工作时间在一半以上的人 .FTE是局部的 or full benefits 符合条件的 and those who work less 比 20 hours per week are non-benefits 符合条件的.
      • 临时工作人员 雇员受雇时间较短,不享有福利待遇.
    2. 平价医疗法案(ACA)的要求: Under the ACA, all regular staff employees who work less 比 30 hours per week (less 比 .(全职员工)和所有临时员工应记录和报告所有工作时间 努力确定健康福利资格.
  • 学生员工: Student 员工 are considered temporary and include graduate assistants and student 工人. Student 员工 may 不 exceed a total of 1,300 hours worked in a 12-consecutive 月. 1,300小时可以在12小时内任意组合累积 月. 学生雇员不受再就业限制 连续工作12个月后要求离职. 国际 students in lawful F-1 and J-1 状态 who are enrolled full-time are 符合条件的 to work for an institution but must 不 work more 比 20 hours per week in accordance with visa restrictions and must ensure compliance with Federal Work Study requirements. See the policy on position classification for additional information on student employees. (见 EGSC学生就业手册)